Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Venti Black Iced Tea with one sweet n low. Let me introduce you to the love of my life. The liquid in this cup is what gets me going in the mornings. I go by Starbucks everyday and pick up two on my way to work. They normally last me until about noon. If I have a busy evening ahead I may go back for one more. Some call it an addiction, I call it my lifeline. Tomato, tomahto, who cares. It makes me happy and right now I need all the happiness I can get. Just looking at the cup lifts my spirits and makes me smile. So, there you have it, day two of my 365 days of picture blogs. Behold the power of the Starbiz


  1. I gave up starbucks...basically I was too poor to buy it anymore. I miss my soy chai in the morning.

  2. Oh yeah, this is Kelly. In case you were wondering who "me" was

  3. haha...too funny!
    I like the Passion Tea Lemonade they have sweet...very yummmm
    but my treat is McD Sweet Tea...YUMM-O! I get at least 4 when I go, and I try not to share with my kids...haha
