Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 3. This is the Bible I received when I was fifteen. Do the math and you'll see that I've had it for 34 years. Time and use has frayed the edges some, but it is still the one book I can always count on. It is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. At this time in my life I find myself burdened with sorrow at the loss of my brother in law, filled with sadness for friends and family who are experiencing marital problems. I drive myself crazy trying to fix things that I have no control over. But I know one thing and that is the infallable word of God assures me that He is bigger than my troubles. That I may not be able to control the situation, but He can. He can heal the pain, He can fix people, He can open eyes and change hearts. I'm not a perfect person and don't always follow the path I should. I do know that this book will comfort me, assure me and lead me in the direction I need to go. It's not about religion, it's a manual on relationships. If I "let go and let God" then things will turn out according to His will. I will lay it at his feet, pray for those I love and be there for them no matter what. I pray that God will work in your heart today and comfort the injuries that life throws at us. Call on His name and let Him carry the load.

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