Sunday, January 24, 2010

Behold the beauty of the pierced ear! They say the third times a charm and I'm the sucker who believes it. The first time I had my ears pierced I was eleven and my cousin stuck a needle through my ear. I'm pretty sure I made less noise then than when I felt the gun shoot this little baby into my ear today. The second time I got them pierced was in the nineties and that lasted awhile. I guess I got lazy and let them close again. Today was the day, took a trip to the mall and let them defile my ear lobe once again. I keep forgetting they are there, but I vow to keep them healthy and never let them close again!


  1. First its the ears, next it will your lip, nose and other unmentionables!!!

  2. HAHA....OMG, I'm dying!!!!!
    I too did it, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm a rebel now...
    and yes, it was officially the 3rd time for me....ROTFL...
    the girl asked me, if she needed to just do it, or count to 3...
    I said, well I've had 5 kids, does that count?
    she laughed, said, I guess you can handle this than....LOL
    and I just did it on the 17th...shhhhhhhhh, keep it on the down low! haha

  3. Me, I will get my eyebrow done if you will go with me like I did you!

    Steph, you are the champ!

  4. haha, I just told my aunt that I did it tonight...
    fam does not know yet...omg! don't care! lol...
