Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Funniest Story. I am not one to usually post pics of myself but your gonna laugh. My sister in law took this pic on Christmas day while I was channeling my inner Paula Deen. I decided to give her the good old Psycho pose. In my preschool I have a set of adorable twin girls, Kyla and Rylee. You would fall in love with them upon meeting them, that is until you got on their bad side. You have never met two more stubborn individuals in your life. When they dig their heels in, there is no swaying their resolve. They and I have had a couple of tight moments, even tho I let their teacher handle most conflicts (which she does with infinite patience). I however am not one to back down from a challenge so it usually comes down to me vs. one of them and who is gonna in that battle.
Anyway... the other night, the girls grandfather (a judge in stockton) wanted them to pick up their books. Evidently asking wasn't working out so he decided to intimidate them with a pic of me. He pulled up this picture without really looking at it and told the girls that I wanted them to clean up. They froze and just stared at the pic. Their aunt finally said, "Dad" Rhonda has a knife in her hand! Bahahahahahaha, the girls were just staring at the knife! What do you wanna bet I win the next battle of wills! LOL